Race into space russian theme youtube
Race into space russian theme youtube

race into space russian theme youtube

Efforts should be scaled up to allow developing States to contribute to outer space discourse. Activities in outer space must not be preserved for a small group of States only.

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The representative of Bangladesh said his country’s stake in a peaceful outer space was more crucial than ever before. The humanitarian effects of an outer space conflict would require application of international humanitarian law, including principles of proportionality and precaution. Damage to space systems and the disruption of services through directed-energy capabilities, electromagnetic interferences, jamming, spoofing or cyberattacks often had an impact beyond the initial target. The complexity of security issues in outer space, Austria’s speaker agreed, was increasing through unprecedented technological advancements. Indeed, space security was gradually becoming more linked to economic and social stability on Earth. Security from and in space no longer appeared to be a purely military and national issue, but rather a multisectoral and global issue. The current strategic space environment appeared increasingly congested, contested and competitive. Italy’s representative said the development and proliferation of new dual-use technologies, capabilities and systems blurred the line between military and civilian use, making it more complicated to protect and defend space assets and identify threats. An example was the exponential increase in the number of satellites in orbit and the potential interference with the services they provide, or possible collisions, which generated enormous economic losses. There were several threats arising from space activity - intentional or not - which could have dire consequences, escalate swiftly into conflict or affect cybersecurity. It was still possible to prevent a fully fledged arms race in outer space.Ī conflict in outer space would have disastrous consequences and endanger all uses and users, said Argentina’s representative.

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He urged them to stop positioning that realm as an area of conflict by not deploying outer space weapons or using outer space objects to strike targets on Earth. He warned, however, that Western countries, headed by the United States, were using outer space for military purposes.

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“We have not passed the point of no return,” said the Russian Federation’s speaker. He welcomed proposals aimed at preventing that possibility but opposed those that would spur unilateral military advantage. An outer space arms race was increasingly becoming a reality. Strategic Space Environment ‘Congested, Contested and Competitive’Ī Damocles sword was hanging over space, threatening to transform the peaceful domain into a theatre of conflict, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) was warned today, during its thematic debate.Ĭhina’s speaker said certain countries clung to cold war mentalities, pursuing space dominance and viewing outer space as a domain for military power and strategic advantage.

Race into space russian theme youtube